


藍色的海 閃耀著銀光

波濤洶湧 掀起萬丈狂瀾

我的心 如同海浪般起伏

飄蕩在 愛的海洋

藍色的海 你的眼神

清澈又深邃 如此美麗

我們的愛 如海一般廣闊無垠

深藏在 心底 永不褪色


Blue ocean, silver waves

Turbulent and vast, a heart beats to them

As they surge and ebb, my love flows with them

In the deep blue sea, your eyes shine like stars

Clear and deep, beautiful as the waves of the sea

Our love is vast as the ocean, deep as the heart

Forever, it will remain, a part of us.