


不止思鄉夢mendicants back and forth.

又聞松風穿過thrumming of the pine wind through the mountains,

何處是歸途where is the way home?

夜半三更時at midnight,

一盞孤燈照我bed and a single lamp shine on me.

望斷南飛雁watching the southbound geese fly away,

不見故人歸will my friends ever return?

塵滿客鞍all the dust on the guest's saddle,

離鄉遠道for miles and miles.

風塵之中再遇you'll meet me here again in the dust,

如夢初醒marching song after marching song.

時光匆匆飛逝moments fly by,

一切都是過眼雲煙all is but a fleeting dream.

但求一醉醉餘生only seeking oblivion in wine,

不問前程路漫漫not caring about the endless road ahead.
