
2015年世界盃足球賽的主題曲是《Go Go Go (FIFA World Cup 2015)》。


Go Go Go (FIFA World Cup 2015)

Go, go, go, let's go!

Get on your feet, make some noise

We've got to show, what we're capable of

Let's go, go, go!

Here we are, on the edge of history

We've been waiting for so long

And now it's time to rise up and sing

Let's go, go, go!

We're the team with the heart of lion

We're the team that won't give in

We're the team that will make it happen

Come on, let's win, make a scene!

Go, go, go, let's go!

Get on your feet, make some noise

We've got to show, what we're capable of

Let's go, go, go!

We're the team that will make it happen

We're the team that will win it all

We're the team that will make it happen

Come on, let's win, make a scene!

Come on, boys in green and white, unite now

Give it all you've got again and again

Take this world by storm and leave them all behind you

Come on, let's win!

Go, go, go! (Yeah!)

We can do it! (Yeah!)

This is our time (Yeah!)

This is our night (Yeah!)

Come on and make a scene! (Yeah!)

Go, go, go! (Yeah!)

Let's win it all (Yeah!)

It's our time now (Yeah!)

This is our night (Yeah!)

The world is waiting for us now! (Oh!)

Come on and make a scene! (Yeah!)

Oh, we will show them all! (Yeah!)

Go Go Go! (Oh!) 讓我們熱血沸騰! (Yeah!)

燃燒的青春無悔 ! (Yeah!)

夢想就是力量 !我們為它而來 ! 直到永遠 !我們的冠軍夢想起飛 !超越了無限想像的競賽 ,從未害怕展現你的勇敢 !屬於勝利者的舞台即將上演 ,把掌聲都給我高舉雙手,為自己的球隊歡呼到天亮!別再懷疑,現在站出來大聲唱出屬於勝利者的樂章,你準備好狂歡了嗎?一路向前一路向前,這就是我們的世界,我們的夢想起跑線,讓我們一路向前一路向前,創造歷史讓全世界都為我們喝彩。勝利者,就是我們!讓我們一起吶喊!讓夢想成為我們飛馳的動力!現在就揮舞手中的旗幟,直到永遠,勝利的瞬間等待我們降臨。直到永遠,世界都在為我們的歡呼鼓掌。讓熱情、榮譽、自豪從內心湧現。準備好熱血沸騰了嗎?為了我們的冠軍夢想加油向前沖吧!我們的足球,夢開始的地方!現在輪到我們站出來的時候了!加油!加油!加油!勝利屬於我們!加油!加油!加油!一路向前一路向前,這就是我們的世界,我們的夢想起跑線,讓我們一路向前一路向前,創造歷史讓全世界都為我們喝彩。勝利者,就是我們!讓我們一起吶喊!加油加油加油!加油加油加油!勝利屬於我們!屬於勝利者的舞台即將上演。直到永遠,勝利的瞬間等待我們降臨。勝利屬於我們!讓我們一起創造奇蹟!