8 mile歌詞

《8 mile》的歌詞如下:

I got the first tear in my eye, 我眼中的第一滴淚水你懂的

See, I'm all alone in my mind, 思緒里 我總是一個人

In my own little world, 在我自己的世界裡

Out here by my self, 我一個人在外漂泊

When you live a life like this, 當生活變得如此苦澀

And the future don't seem to last, 未來仿佛又遠離了我們

There's just a part of you that wishes you could stay at home and sleep 心中的那部分卻又渴望可以待在家安心睡去


But you got a dream, 你有夢想

And you're chasing it with everything you got, 用你所有的力氣去追逐它

And you ain't looking back, 你不再回頭

You'll never quit, 你永不言棄

You're gonna make it big, 你注定會成功的

8 mile, 8 mile 8 mile 8 mile 米

(Verse 2)

Everyday I feel like I'm drowning, 我感覺每一天都快要溺水身亡

In a sea of trouble and lies, 在麻煩和謊言的海洋里

But I keep on keeping on, 但我堅持下去

Trying to make it to the other side, 試圖到達彼岸

When you're fighting for your life, 當你在為生命而戰

It seems like everything's against you, 似乎所有事情都在與你作對

But you just keep pushing on, 但你只是繼續向前推進

Cause you know what's worth fighting for, 因為你知道什麼值得為之奮鬥


And you're chasing it with everything you got, 用你所有的力氣去追逐它

And you ain't looking back, 你不再回頭

You're gonna make it big, 你注定會成功的

8 mile 8 mile 米

You keep grinding and grinding 你不停地拼搏、努力、奮鬥

Hoping to make it through the night 希望能度過這一晚

But the fire burning in your heart is bright 心中燃燒的火焰是如此明亮

So keep on pushing and grinding 所以繼續前進,拼搏到底,不停歇。

以上就是《8 mile》的歌詞,這是一首非常有力量和激情的歌曲,歌詞表達了追求夢想的堅定和執著。