air supply goodbye的歌詞

"Goodbye" 是 Air Supply 的一首歌,以下是其歌詞:


I'm sorry I苦苦挽留

Tell me how to情深不渝

Don't leave me lonely

Don't take my love away


And now it's time to say goodbye

Though I know I will miss you so

Time to let you go

So my heart can rest


And I'll remember you forever

You're the one I love the most

I'll keep a candle burning

For you night and day


And now it's time to say goodbye

Though I know I will miss you so

Time to let you go

So my heart can rest


So goodbye and don't you cry

We'll meet again somehow

And in our dreams

We'll hold each other close

Though we're apart, I love you still dearest love.

這首歌是一首對離別的深深思念的歌。女性角色扮演者主動請求離別,希望男方可以勇敢去追求自己的人生。而男方角色扮演者雖然開始也感覺困惑和留戀,但他接受這次分離,期待再見面。在這個時刻,他們雙方都願意放手,接受別人的生活過往並保有深愛。歌詞最後表示“ dearest love.”意思為再見吧,我最親愛的人。希望這能幫到你。