all in one歌詞mirror

"All in One"的歌詞mirror部分如下:

But when I look into my own mirror

It shows me someone I don't know anymore

And now I'm left all alone

And my thoughts don't even show

But you were there with me before

You're gone, I don't know why

And it doesn't seem like you'll ever come back again

And every day is like this

這是一首由Jessie J演唱的英文歌曲,其歌詞大意是在面對鏡子時,發現自己不再是曾經的那個自己,感到孤獨和迷茫,而曾經的你已經不在身邊,也不知為何。每天都是如此,讓她的心情更加低落。這首歌也表達了人們對於曾經的感情的懷念和對於未來的不確定。