all the way歌詞

《All the Way》的英文詞曲作者是美國歌手兼詞曲作家Smokey Robinson。以下是《All the Way》的中文和英文詞曲大意:

《All the Way》 (中英結合版)


就在今夜 我快要受不了



怎麼找不回方向 也沒辦法超脫

我知道 你一直在我身旁

所以 我無所畏懼 勇敢前行

不論路有多坎坷 也不怕跌倒摔傷

我將用我的真情和力量 去迎向未來

一路相伴 你永遠在我身旁

在黑暗中 我能看見曙光

我要我們手牽手 無懼任何風雨來襲

每一步 都要相依相偎



Tonight I can't take it

I'm feeling so overwhelmed with sadness

A mind gone wild, lost in deep abyss

I can't find my way back, can't get out of this mess

But I know you've always been by my side

That's why I'm not afraid to face the world

No matter how rough the road may be, no fear of falling down

I will use my true feelings and strength to move forward

Along the way, you'll always be by my side

In the dark, I can see the light

I want us to hold hands and not fear any stormy weather

Every step, together, towards the happiness that lies ahead.

以上就是《All the Way》的詞曲大意,希望對你有所幫助。