banks of the ohio歌詞翻譯

《Banks of the Ohio》的中文歌詞如下:

Oh, the banks of the Ohio 喔,俄亥俄河畔

Must we turn our backs upon them? 我們必須離開他們嗎?

Oh, the rolling acres of gold 喔,金黃的田野連綿不斷

Must we drive them to the sea? 我們必須把他們驅趕到大海嗎?

Will the ghosts of our fathers come to us 我們的祖先的幽靈會向我們走來嗎?

With their guns and their swords and their plows 帶著他們的槍枝、劍和犁

To reclaim the land they had lost? 用以奪回他們失去的土地?

Oh, the storms of creation 喔,創造的暴風雨

Are more powerful than man 比起人類來更有力量

And they’ll rise up in judgment 他們會站起來作出裁決

When we’ve taken all we can 我們攫取了所有能攫取的

And we’ll see who’s right and who’s wrong 我們會看看誰對誰錯

And we’ll see who’s lost and who’s found 我們會看看誰失落了誰找到了

And the ones who never believed 而那些從不相信的人

Will be left to wander on 只能四處徘徊

And we’ll go singing up the banks of the Ohio 我們唱著歌奔向俄亥俄河畔

Oh, we come from the mountains 喔,我們來自群山

Oh, we come from the valleys 喔,我們來自谷地

Oh, we come from the plains and the hills 喔,我們來自平原和丘陵

And we’ll go singing up the banks of the Ohio 我們唱著歌奔向俄亥俄河畔

Oh, we ride with the wind 喔,我們乘風破浪

Oh, we tread with the rain 喔,我們踏著雨點

Oh, we cross over rivers and streams 喔,我們渡過江河溪流

And we’ll go singing up the banks of the Ohio 我們唱著歌奔向俄亥俄河畔

Must we leave these fields behind? 我們必須離開這片田野嗎?

Must we leave these mountains behind? 我們必須離開這些山脈嗎?

Oh, they call us to come 喔,他們召喚我們回來

To where the river meets the sea 到河流與大海交匯的地方

And we’ll go singing up the banks of the ohio 我們唱著歌奔向俄亥俄河畔