blame it all on my roots歌詞

"Blame It All On My Roots" 是由Kodaline演唱的一首歌曲。以下是這首歌的歌詞:

Verse 1:

Born and raised in the city

On the streets of Dublin

Through the rain and the sleet

I was raised to be strong


Blame it all on my roots

They're the reason I'm who I am

They taught me how to survive

And never to give up the fight

Verse 2:

Through the highs and the lows

I've been through it all

But I'll never forget

The street light in the rain


Blame it all on my roots

They're the reason I'm who I am

They taught me how to survive

And never to give up the fight


I've been down so many roads

But I always come back home

To my roots, they're what I hold on to

When everything else is gone


Blame it all on my roots

They're the reason I'm who I am

They taught me how to survive

And never to give up the fight


Blame it all on my roots, yeah

Blame it all on my roots.

這是一首充滿力量和情感的歌曲,表達了對家鄉和根源的深深懷念和感激之情。歌曲中反覆出現的“blame it all on my roots”(一切都歸咎於我的根源)表達了歌手對家鄉的熱愛和感激之情。同時,這首歌也表達了無論經歷多少挫折和困難,都要堅持自己的信念和價值觀,永不放棄的精神。