chuchu tv itsy bitsy spider nursery rhyme的歌詞

Itsy Bitsy Spider

Itsy bitsy spider

Went up the water spout

Down came the rain

And washed the spider out

Out came the sun

And the spider went up

The rainbow and got lost


* 蜘蛛(Itsy Bitsy Spider)——中文翻譯為“細細小小的蜘蛛”

* went up the water spout ——爬上水管口

* Down came the rain ——下雨了

* And washed the spider out ——把蜘蛛沖跑了

* Out came the sun ——太陽出來了

* And the spider went up ——蜘蛛又爬上了

* The rainbow and got lost ——彩虹和它一起消失了