come back to me動態歌詞

"Come Back to Me" 的歌詞如下:


Come back to me, my love

Just say the word and I'll be there

I'll wait for you, my dear

Till you decide it's time to share


I've been away too long now

But I'm coming back to you

I've been lost in so many places

But now I'm coming home to you


Come back to me, my love

Just say the word and I'll be there

With open arms I'll take you in

I've missed you so, I've missed you all my life


So many dreams have come and gone

But this one dream was mine alone

Now I'm coming home to you

To be with you, forevermore



Come back to me, my love

Just say the word and I'll be there

Now that I'm home, I'm safe again

My heart is yours, it's been your love that kept me steady through the storm

Now I'm home, I'm safe again

So come back to me, my love, and we can start again

以上就是 "Come Back to Me" 的歌詞,希望對你有所幫助!