dagny backbeat歌詞

"Dagny Backbeat" 是由 The Pixies 樂隊的一首歌曲,其歌詞如下:

You got the rhythm,

Dagny backbeat,

Bouncing around in your head.

Yeah, you're on fire,

Gonna set the world on fire.

This is a little dance,

It's just for you and me.

We'll move like we're rolling down a hill,

Taking our clothes off in a style.

It's gonna take some time,

And some people need a fix.

Yeah, it's alright,

Take a trip with the dead.

Just dig the groove,

Let the music hit you,

Come on and rock it.

Just let it flow.

Just keep your feet on the ground,

Don't forget to clap your hands.

You got the rhythm,

Dagny backbeat,

Bouncing around in your head.

Yeah, you're on fire,

Gonna set the world on fire.

這是一首充滿活力和節奏感的歌曲,歌詞中提到了“Dagny Backbeat”(達格妮節拍)和“rolling down a hill”(滾下山坡)等形象生動的表達。歌曲鼓勵人們跟隨節奏搖擺,盡情享受音樂帶來的快樂。同時,歌詞也暗示著一種挑戰和自我燃燒的情感,即“Gonna set the world on fire”(將世界燃燒起來)。整首歌曲充滿活力,動感十足,讓人忍不住跟著節奏搖擺。