dark river glay歌詞

以下是一些dark river glay的歌詞:

歌曲名:Dark River


Oh Dark River, where have you been

Stolen my heart, stolen my mind

I don't know how I got so far away

Oh Dark River, you have won tonight

Can't stop the rain from pouring down

Won't stop my heart from feeling down

Can't stop the tears from falling out

Oh Dark River, you have taken over tonight

Oh Dark River, you are my friend

You've been there, you've been the end

You've been the only one I've ever known

Oh Dark River, you have taken over tonight

You don't care what anyone says

You're always here, and always the same

I know that I will always come back to you

Oh Dark River, you have taken over tonight

I feel the wind, I feel the rain

And I know that I'll be fine again

I feel the love, I feel the pain

Oh Dark River, you have taken over tonight

Oh Dark River, where have you been

Stolen my heart, stolen my mind

I don't know how I got so far away

Oh Dark River, you have won tonight.

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