deep thoughts歌詞

"Deep Thought" 是由英國搖滾樂隊Pink Floyd在1972年的專輯《The Dark Side of the Moon》中的歌曲《Us and Them》的改版歌曲。具體歌詞如下:

Us and them - we ain't nothing but deep thoughts

In our heads

Our shadows on the ground

Follow our traces to where we lay

Our only trace, they say, is the mark we leave

In our wake, the undertow, a formless something in the eye

It's alright

Because the stars at night are big and bright

As big as

We could be, all in a row

On our way down

Down to the dance floor now.

這首歌詞是在描繪一個意識流的過程,包括自我反思和內省,同時也有對自我存在的思考和對宇宙的思考。它以一種深沉而內省的方式表達了人類的思考過程,並試圖揭示出我們與宇宙的關係。歌詞中充滿了哲理和思考,是Pink Floyd樂隊經典作品之一。