did it again中文歌詞

《Did It Again》的中文歌詞如下:

I did it again 我做到了

I'm a girl like a dream 我是個像夢一樣的女孩

That you'll wake up and 你會在醒來時想起

wish you could keep inside 希望你能一直保留

It's hard to stay out of sight 難以讓你看不見我

When I'm on the inside 我從裡面看你的感覺如此真實

Chorus: Did it again 我做到了

My brand new candle 我的全新的燭光

Screamed your name in a burning shade 我燃燒著的燭光上清楚地印著你的名字

Now you're stuck in my head 現在我腦海里只有你

It was my game for so long 我曾經很擅長這個遊戲

And I think I just might 我想我只是剛剛明白

Give me credit for the shame and all that you feel 對你感到內疚並且你也感受到了所有的情緒 給你一點信心吧

Verse 2: Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

Bridge: I can't sleep, I can't breathe 我無法入睡,無法呼吸

Can't stop, won't stop thinking about it 我無法停止想你

Chorus: Did it again 我做到了

My body is on fire 我的身體燃燒著激情之火

Can't get enough, won't stop 無法滿足,無法停止地想你

I did it again 我做到了

Outro: Oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh... 喔,喔,喔,喔,喔,喔,喔,喔,喔,喔,喔,喔,喔...。