do ra mi歌詞

《Do Ra Mi》的中文歌詞如下:

Do re mi Fa so la si do


What do you see? (do)


Bluebirds on the tree (re)


Oh what joy they bring (mi)


Sounds so lively and free (fa)


Rhythm of the raindrops on leaves (so)


Softly sways as violets creep (la)


Lullabies the rolling deep (si)


Here am I to be hummed or squealed (do)


As you choose, just let me know (re)


And we’ll sing it with a swinging motion of the head and shoulders (mi)


Followed by a rising intonation of the voice (fa) 重複上面的動作... (so) 搖頭晃腦的動作。以上是《Do Ra Mi》的部分歌詞,由於您提到的是“唱”,我無法提供完整的歌詞。但可以為您提供一部分,以供參考。如您需要完整歌詞,建議您直接在音樂平台上搜尋獲取。