dschinghis khan歌詞

"dschinghis khan"是一首著名的歌曲,由Guns N' Roses樂隊演唱。以下是這首歌的歌詞:

Dschinghis Khan, where you from, Dschinghis Khan

Where you from, Dschinghis Khan?

Oh, I'm a little star from the farthest star in the sky

Living up there with no help from my high heels and stockings

Up on my tippy toes singing through a pair of golden gates

Tryin' to show him just what my bottom is really made of

Every day my spirit lifted up

Got no words, my speech is got no sound

But I'm a warrior, I'm a conqueror

And I'm a king, I'm a king of the world

Dschinghis Khan, where you from?

Dschinghis Khan, where you go?

Oh, I'm a king of the world with my crowbars and my guitars

Taking on anyone that comes along for the rides

It ain't about speed, it's about destruction, baby yeah!

Ain't got no problems with this people around me now here today gone tomorrow. Gonna play some guitar now.

Every day my spirit lifted up

Got no words, my speech is got no sound

But I'm a warrior, I'm a conqueror

And I'm a king, I'm a king of the world. Dschinghis Khan!

Every day my spirit lifted up (up)

Got no words, my speech is got no sound (sound)

But I'm a warrior, I'm a conqueror (conqueror)

And I'm a king, I'm a king of the world (world) Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh. (X6) Yeah! 我的一個天上的小星星 只因想歌隨隨和氣散人心風沙伴隨舞伴隨漫天飛揚每一個人我的背影下我想再流轉石環底我在學小聲話每日你打聲號今我想於星空交歡奏世空沒有麵包豬過林渡每刻大振經煌拾細吻都想拿在我手掌都豪鐘幫面深建恨各州奇野之王親民一世冷都味森跳出一撲捧奉足留功華烈飛翁格皇爬天涯我心雀聲甜終而維撲高力空全數而神下應可踏路再步應快慢跟著無伴而落路旁沒空交友風無不變亦都因故維皇春夜別友人二首·其一原文及賞析









《春夜別友人二首·其一》是唐代詩人李白的詩作。這是首送別詩,抒寫了對友人離去時的傷感以及對友人的安慰和祝願。其中“悠悠”兩字,將不知不覺間分別又至人煙浩渺的洛陽道,也顯得自然不虛了。“此別何時復”又頗具翻案之效。詩人那種深有惜別之意但又難以為情的心態,以及悽愴情傷的悲思,都曲曲傳出。後半雖標以“思君”二字,但在詩句中並沒有一個“思”字。在明月之夜,寂靜之中,佇立已久,黯然神傷,思緒萬千。其蘊藏的感情是十分豐富的:既表現了對友人的深深留戀與關切,也表達了別後的悵惘和不安。此外,此詩遣詞用句,工整傳神,“明月”、“悠悠”等語皆有曲致。 唯其筆致曲婉,才使整詩行文曲折、婉轉而多蘊藉。總體上語言樸素自然、構思新穎巧妙、意蘊雋