eminem kim歌詞


1. 《Lose Yourself》的歌詞:

I'm 'bout the business, baby, I'm 'bout my own

我忙於自己的事業 寶貝 我只忙於自己的事情

I'm 'bout the paper, I'm 'bout the green

我忙於掙錢 我忙於掙大錢

Got bills to pay, got dreams to chase

有了要付的賬單 有了要追的夢想

Paper chased me, now I'm chasing papers

紙頭追我 如今我反過來追紙片(指鈔票)

I ain't lookin' back, no ma'am

我可不會回頭 女士們

I'm lookin for the next one, no pause

我要尋找下一個目標 毫不遲疑

And I ain't tryna be the next one, no ma'am


I'm tryna be the last one, that they see


Got to keep it real, that's the key

要保持真實 是成功的關鍵所在

Now it comes and goes like with my ink in drags me, a druggy said hell with my hookah who gives a

現在的狀況就如抽大煙似的 將它看成一件玩具一般不在乎它 我認為這就是人生的規律和輪迴(hookah為一種阿拉伯式大煙槍)

Just let it be and when it is 9-10 times you get up, standing over your car still getting lines on the trees (dissing)

只要順其自然 當它來臨的時候 十次有九次你都會從車裡爬出來 你會站在樹下抽一口煙 開始罵人(此處指開車的Kim)

But when it comes to my last few shillings on the streets 到了那時 到街上要分分錢的時候 (意指全家生病的難關)

Who I got? The disease or you feeling empty too? 是得病的我感覺活著沒有意義呢 還是看著別人可憐感覺也空虛呢?

Yeah I might see myself in a decade or two十年後 或許我會想起自己像個白痴一樣走在大街上 想給自己一巴掌的感覺

I might need to speak with my family doctor for therapy, or suicide like “helicopter” (drum beats)

或許我會跟我的家庭醫生談談心 或許我會想自殺 就像直升機一樣飛上天堂(此處指Eminem的音樂事業)

Keep moving like I ain't been moving that long 其實生活並不易 不像想的那么容易 好似一直以來我都無所謂一樣繼續過日子般那么自然,因此沒有什麼長幼之別 該放縱的時候就放縱 要自強不息永不言棄 我給你聽我父親留下的一筆遺產:I can go the distance I'm doing all right

我會走出這條路的 你看我現在做的很好 (此句致敬Long Distance Train Running)

I ain't looking back, no ma'am 我不會回頭看 我不會停下來歇息 我只會向前看 直到成功為止

I ain't tryna be the next one, no ma'am 我不會成為下一個成功的人 我只會成為最成功的人

So let me get with the vibe and just keep grindin', grindin', grindin', grindin', grindin', grindin', grindin', grind it up, up, up (dissing)

所以讓我保持這種狀態繼續努力 繼續奮鬥 不停歇息 不停歇心不停息 所以我要把它喝醉似的喝下去(指喝酒讓自己不那么辛苦) (此處指Kim的生活態度)

Yeah! So here we go! We in this thing, till the wheels fall off and we all on the ground screaming and yelling! Yeah! (dissing)

所以我們就繼續這樣奮鬥下去吧直到精疲力竭 到我們都在地上尖叫和叫喊著說“終於可以休息了”的時候! (此處指家庭生活的艱辛)

這就是《Lose Yourself》的歌詞。

2. 《Kim》的歌詞:

Verse 1:

Baby don’t cry no more, yeah you’re feeling me now, you feel it all night, everytime we go out and she hits my knuckles you jump, girl it’s true love we argue it could get rough we got kids you poppin pills love hurts baby i swear, Kim but it ain’t for me anymore, no way you lay in bed sweatin my cheating and fussing don’t hurt so bad baby what hurts is losing your faith, what we had before now ain’t that clear enough. Yeah I hurt, baby she love my pimpin’. Lookin hot and shit lickin bit