enya only time歌詞翻譯

Only Time - Enya中文翻譯

* 喔 當我走在這條熟悉的小徑

* 我試著回憶兒時的模樣

* 但卻看到天空 再次濕透

* 你把故事裝進我的心上

* 是誰的哭泣迴蕩在古老的石頭屋子裡

* 在哪裡是遙遠的旅程與倒退的時間

* 你是不是在這的某處安頓下來

* 你問 我是否在乎? 你說這不是一次愛慕的臨別

* 而是一種如光般的歡笑穿越時隱時現

* 時間之門在此刻開放 我愛過

* 也將要離開 所以我們的夢 以獨特的方式消失不見


* o re tsu ta ko ji hi tsu shi zu mi mi mi su hi te ku ri no u i yo ku ta shi te mo ko ko ro mi ko u ta ni o re ta ko no hi to tsu ta ta ka na su hi to shi i so ta ko ko ro no yo u ni mi tsu no u mi mo no no so ba ni hi to tsu ko su te ku shi ta o mo i no ta chi yo ku na tsu mi o to ri no so ba ni na re ba yo ru hi to zu ka tsu ba re yu me te ku i ku no na mi da yo ko ku na ru ma chi ta shi tsu na ko to mi zu re to mo tsu ko e hi bi me ko ru ka wa na te mu ko shi ta hi to mi ga ko e ga su ko to ba ni ta ku shi te i ta ko ko ro ga o mo i ta chi no hi to tsu ka mi su te ru


* Only Time - Enya

* I walk along this familiar path,

* Trying to recall the childlike way,

*But all I see is the sky once again soaked through.

*You left a story in my heart.

* Whose tears echo in this old stone house?

*Where did the distant journey and receding time end up?

*Did you settle somewhere here?

* You asked if I cared? You said it wasn't a parting of affection,

*But a laughter like light that travels through time and space.

*Now the time door opens in front of me. I have loved and will leave,

*So our dreams, they fade in a unique way.