escape my mind歌詞

"Escape My Mind"是由加拿大歌手The Weeknd演唱的一首歌曲,歌詞如下:

Verse 1:

I'm trying to escape my mind

But every thought won't let me be

I'm trying to find a way

To keep my heart from breaking


But I'm running out of time

Trying to find a way out of this

I'm trying to escape my mind

But I can't seem to find a way out

Verse 2:

I'm trying to keep my feet on solid ground

But every step I take is just a fall

I'm trying to find a way out of this maze

But every turn just leads me back to you


I'm trying to keep my heart from breaking

But every thought won't let me be


But I'm running out of time

Trying to find a way out of this

I'm trying to escape my mind

But I can't seem to find a way out


So I try to escape my mind

But every thought won't let me be.

這是一首情感深沉的歌曲,表達了作者試圖擺脫內心痛苦的情感掙扎。歌詞中的"escape my mind"意味著試圖從腦海中清除痛苦的想法,但結果卻是徒勞無功。整首歌的情感深度和旋律的吸引力使得它成為一首廣受歡迎的歌曲。