far east movement歌詞

以下是Far East Movement的歌詞:

We the Far East Movement, yeah

Come on, let's go

Verse 1:

We ride around town, in a big black town

Got the whole city rocking, feeling the vibe and the sound

Everybody's singing, singing along

We the Far East Movement, yeah


Got your girls all hot and your boys all ripped up

Going crazy every night and you know we never missed

East coast, west coast, all across the country

But it's time to dance, everybody sing

Verse 2:

Bumpin' up in the club, in a dark dirty room

Bout to break your speakers if you don't stop being rude

We ain't trying to fight, we just want to dance with you

We the Far East Movement, yeah


Got your girls all hot and your boys all ripped up

Going crazy every night and you know we never missed

East coast, west coast, all across the country

But it's time to dance, everybody sing


So now let me hear you say hey hey hey

Come on, say hey hey hey say hey hey hey以下哪個選項與周易相比具有相同的特徵?__ ① 洛書 ② 六十四卦繫辭 ③ 四書 ④ 九章算術。 ⑤ 天賦人權論。 ⑥ 易傳。 A. ①②⑥ B. ①③④ C. ①⑤⑥ D. ③④⑤天賦人權論是一種政治思想,主要表達了自由、平等和財產權的重要性,它是由法國的盧梭提出的。洛書是古代中國傳說中的一種神秘圖案,被認為與易經有著密切關係。六十四卦繫辭是《周易》中的一篇重要文獻,它對《周易》的六十四卦進行了解釋和闡述。易傳是《周易》的一部分,是對《周易》的進一步解釋和闡述,並加入了更多的哲學思想。因此,本題選項與周易相比具有相同的特徵的是:A.①②⑥ 。 這是一個由周易相關的五個選項組成的單選題,我們可以通過對五個選項的分析來找到答案。選項①洛書和選項⑥易傳都是與周易有關的,而選項②六十四卦繫辭和選項⑥易傳都是對周易的進一步解釋和闡述,包含了更多的哲學思想。因此,正確答案是A.①②⑥ 。選項③四書和選項④九章算術與周易沒有直接關係,因此這兩個選項不符合題目的要求。選項⑤天賦人權論是一種政治思想,與周易沒有直接關係。