hanoi rocks tragedy歌詞

Hanoi Rocks tragedy的歌詞如下:

Hanoi Rocks, Vietnam,

They got their heads blown off,

The war was over,

But the pain was just begun.

So many lives, so many dreams,

Just like a rock, fell through the sky.


Oh, Hanoi Rocks tragedy,

You took my dreams and you threw them away.

Oh, Hanoi Rocks tragedy,

You're a war machine that's crying today.

A broken dream, a lost guitar,

They took the stage, but never left.

They were the kids, they were the youth,

And they gave their all to you.

Now they're in pieces, on the ground,

In Vietnam, like so many stones.


Oh, Hanoi Rocks tragedy,

You took my dreams and you threw them away.

Oh, Hanoi Rocks tragedy,

You're a war machine that's crying today.


I remember when you were young,

And you played for fun.

Now you play for pain, and for the dead,

And for the ones that never came back.


Oh, Hanoi Rocks tragedy,

You took my dreams and you threw them away.

Oh, Hanoi Rocks tragedy,

But now we know the truth of Vietnam.

Now we know the truth.

Now we know the truth.

以上就是Hanoi Rocks tragedy的歌詞。這首歌的歌詞講述了一個悲傷的故事,關於越南戰爭中的年輕人們的生命和夢想被摧毀的故事。這是一首感人至深的歌曲,通過這首歌,我們可以更深入地了解那段歷史。