i'm yours jason mraz歌詞

"I'm Yours" 是由 Jason Mraz 演唱的歌曲,以下是歌詞:

I'm yours, yeah

Took a wrong road didn't mean to crash

Here I am, layin' in my bed

Not much money, my bank account red

So what if you had to sell your t shirt

To pay the rent?

I'm yours

Yeah, I'm yours

And I don't know what else to say

But I know you know

I'm yours

Yeah, I'm yours

And I don't want to be a star

Just like the rest, just like the rest

Oh oh oh oh

You're all I've wanted all along

Oh oh oh oh

But I don't need the world to chase you around

Cause if you hold me, if you hold me now

I know, I know, I'm yours, yeah

My name up in lights, on stage every night

Can't sleep, toss and turn it’s torture yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

What they say? Never stops motivating me though yeah

Cause every now and then I step to them stage they give me hope in faith though cause we're still two boys and there was time for less yes, I need someone in my life for once it could be so sweet for once I can make a change in this life just a different kind of lifestyle it could be the last thing on my mind it could be forever in a minute so tell me when we gonna make a move so that we can go steady forever forever and ever I’m yours

Yeah, I'm yours

And I don't know what else to say

But I know you know

I'm yours

Yeah, I'm yours (I'm yours) (I'm yours) (I'm yours) (I'm yours) (I'm yours) (I'm yours) (I'm yours) (Oh oh oh oh)

Yeah, and there’s nothing else to say about it no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no (I'm yours) No, I don’t want to be a star, yeah. I don’t want the world to chase you around. Cause if you hold me now, I know, I know, I’m yours. Yeah. You’re all I’ve wanted all along. Oh oh oh oh. Oh oh oh oh. So tell me when we gonna make a move. So that we can go steady forever. Forever and ever. Forever and ever. Forever and ever. Forever and ever. Forever and ever. Forever and ever. Forever and ever. Forever and ever. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! (Yeah!) I know that we’re one and one and it equals one yes (You’re mine) Yes. And that’s my first reaction now baby boy Yes, baby girl we ain’t ever leaving oh! Yeah! Ooh! Yeah! Yeah! You and me we forever尊敬的用戶,您們好!歡迎來到我們今天要討論的話題:家庭能源使用效率的重要性。在我們的日常生活中,能源消耗是不可避免的一部分,特別是在家庭中。但是,通過一些簡單的措施,我們可以在不影響生活質量的前提下,大大提高家庭能源使用效率。本文將向您們介紹一些實用的技巧,幫助您們更好地管理家庭能源使用。 以上是開篇內容,您可以根據需求進行修改調整。以下內容僅供參考,建議您根據自身需求進行調整。 提高家庭能源使用效率的方法有以下幾點: 1. 最佳化家電設備: 空調、電視、照明設備等是家庭能源消耗的大頭。對這些設備的性能進行定期檢查,以確保其運行狀態良好。另外,利用智慧型化家電設備進行自動調節和控制,能夠更加節能高效。 2. 合理規劃用電時間: 根據家庭成員的生活習慣和天氣情況,合理安排用電時間。例如,在白天陽光充足時關閉照明設備,晚上則適當開啟。此外,合理安排家電設備的開啟和關閉時間,如關閉未使用的電器等。 3. 節能意識培養: 提高家庭成員的節能意識是提高家庭能源使用效率的關鍵。教育家庭成員養成節約用電的習慣,如隨手關燈、關閉不使用的