i open my eyes歌詞

歌名:I Open My Eyes


Verse 1:

I wake up in the morning

The sun is shining bright

My mind is clear and fresh

A new day has begun


As I look around me

The world is all around

My feet are firmly planted

And I'm ready to take on the day


I open my eyes and see the beauty of life

A smile spreads across my face as I embrace the new day

I'm filled with hope and courage

And I'm ready to take on anything life throws at me

Verse 2:

The challenges may come and go

But I won't let them get me down

I'll keep moving forward with courage and strength

And I'll never give up on myself


As I look around me...


I open my eyes and see the beauty of life...

And I'm ready to take on anything.


Life may be full of ups and downs, but I'm determined to keep going.

I'll face each challenge with courage and strength, and I'll never give up.


I open my eyes, and I see a new day ahead of me. I'm ready for whatever life throws at me.