if i could read your mind歌詞

If I Could Read Your Mind

If I could read your mind

What would I find there

Is there someone


That you're dreaming of

You say you're lonely

You say you're blue

But you don't have to worry babe

'Cause you know that I'll be true

Through the laughter and the tears

Your love has always been with me

If I could hold you closer baby

What would be the use in bed if we can't understand each other

I can feel your love is real so why can't we just tell each other

It's time we stopped pretending

It doesn't matter what they say you and me we can've forever just because

You say you don't know why you can't stop thinking about someone new that you just met or maybe met online if they know they wont say its over like in no time like two lovers on the run in the night in the morning light if i could read your mind baby i would know what to do i would tell you baby that i need you here with me so come on and let me hold you and let me be the one to make you feel alright if i could read your mind baby i would know what to do i would tell you baby that i need you here with me so come on and let me hold you and let me be the one to make you feel alright yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah (2x)you can say what they say babe, your lonely nights will soon be over baby baby don't just think that no one cares or its hopeless to have your dreams forever your body soul and mind oh you are feeling the way i am too girl (Yeah!) it will take some time and if i can just find a way that we can communicate so i can get through to you請問各位大神,我目前手裡有一張中信銀行信用卡,這張信用卡已經用了一段時間了,想申請中信銀行信用卡的臨時額度,需要怎么做呢?中信銀行信用卡臨時額度申請條件有哪些?中信銀行信用卡臨時額度調整有次數限制嗎?還有中信銀行信用卡的賬單日是每月的23號,請問最後還款日是多久呢?另外還有一點疑問,我在中信銀行app里查詢了一下信用卡賬單,顯示我之前的賬單有欠款,但是在支付寶和微信上查的信用卡賬單卻顯示無欠款,這種情況我應該怎么處理呢?謝謝各位大神了!



1. 持卡時間要長。銀行對於信用卡申請人的信用評估,一般會看近半年的還款記錄和消費記錄。如果你想要申請臨時提高額度,最好在這之前保持良好的還款記錄和消費記錄。

2. 消費金額要大。經常大額消費並且按時還款,會提高銀行對你的信用評估。銀行為了防止過度消費而設定的信用風險,可能會同意你的臨時額度調整申請。

3. 信用卡狀態要正常。信用卡狀態正常的情況下才可以申請臨時額度,如果處於凍結、過期狀態都是不可以申請的。



1. 查詢賬單日和還款日:你可以登錄中信銀行官方網站,在“我的賬戶”中查詢賬單日和還款日。或者直接聯繫中信銀行客服,了解相關信息。一般來說,賬單日後的18天至25天之間為還款日。

2. 檢查欠款問題:不同渠道的賬單可能存在差異,建議檢查是否有漏登的消費或未結清的分期交易。確認欠款信息後及時還清欠款。同時提醒避免遺漏一些重要消費。

請記住:良好的信用記錄可以幫助你更好地享受中信銀行的信用卡服務並提升額度。 如果你還有其他疑問或需要幫助,請隨時提問。