jack johnson escape歌詞


Ohh Ohh 喔噢 喔噢

It's getting harder 困難的日子越來越難以承受

to take it all in 接受這一切

I'm feeling lost and 我覺得迷失了方向

I'm feeling so small 我感覺自己如此渺小

I'm feeling like I'm 我覺得自己

just another face in the crowd 在人群中只是另一個面孔

I'm feeling like I'm 我覺得自己

just another dreamer in the end 只是這個夢裡的又一個過客

Ohhh 喔噢

Can I get out? 我能否掙脫?

Will the night get light? 黑夜過後是否會是曙光?

Is this a start or 是新的開始還是一個結局?

Can I take a deep breath? 我能否深深地呼吸一口氣?

Take my feet and let me walk 我能放下腳步去走自己的路嗎?

Ohhh 喔噢

I'm trying to escape 我嘗試著逃離

Trying to find a way out 我嘗試著尋找出路

Trying to break free 我嘗試著掙脫束縛

Trying to find my way out 我嘗試著找到出路

Ohhh 喔噢

In my bed tonight, 我今晚將留在這張床上

in my bed alone, 一個人躺著思考

this day I might remember 今天可能會是我記住的日子

so let me sleep instead of roaming 所以就讓我休息不再迷茫吧

Don't leave me waiting, 不要讓我獨自等待

cause I don't know what else to do 因為我不知道還能做什麼

So I'll escape, 所以我會逃離這裡

Ohhh 喔噢

Can I get out? 我能否掙脫?

Will the night get light? 黑夜過後是否會是曙光?

Is this a start or 是新的開始還是一個結局?

Can I take a deep breath? 我能否深深地呼吸一口氣?

Take my feet and let me walk 我能放下腳步去走自己的路嗎?

Ohhh 喔噢

So here I am 所以我在這裡

on the other side of fear 在恐懼的另一邊

taking one more step, 邁出這一步,繼續前行

the same old thing 不再猶豫不決

the same old place 不再彷徨不定

So here I am 所以我在這裡

running away, but it feels so good 在逃離的同時感覺很好

trying to break free 我嘗試著掙脫束縛

Trying to find my way out 我嘗試著找到出路

Can I get out? 我能否掙脫?

Will the night get light? 黑夜過後是否會是曙光?

Is this a start or 是新的開始還是一個結局?

Can I take a deep breath? 我能否深深地呼吸一口氣?

Take my feet and let me walk 我能放下腳步去走自己的路嗎?

So here I am 所以我在這裡 (重複) 。