jar of love歌詞

《Jar of Love》的歌詞如下:

Baby I know you're feelin' the heat

It's been a long day without you near me

And I'm wonder how my life would be

If you were here by my side

So I dreamed the dream of the lover and a jar of love

Your hand upon my head like it's brand new

Baby I can feel it for real

This could be the start of something beautiful


Jar of love, so many reasons why

Baby it's for you and me tonight

Just hold me, hold me tight

It's the only thing to do tonight

Jar of love, the taste of your embrace

The moment that I knew we'd be safe in space

Baby it's enough to take me to my feet

But it's all for real and I'm not afraid to bleed

Verse 2:

I'm not lookin' for a reason to leave you alone

I just want to feel your heartbeat in time with mine

And I know that we can make it through the night

When you're here by my side, it's all right with me tonight


Jar of love, so many reasons why

Baby it's for you and me tonight

Just hold me, hold me tight

It's the only thing to do tonight


Baby I can feel it for real, this could be the start of something beautiful, yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh! (this could be the start) oh yeah (of something beautiful) Oh no, I won't let you fall through the air, so don't let go Oh no, I won't let you fall through the air, so don't let go now, let go now, now now now now now now now now now now now now now! (baby it's for real) Oh no, I won't let you fall through the air, so don't let go (oh no) Oh no, I won't let you down when it all seems down, no! Oh no (Oh) Let me lay it on my chest Oh! Yeah. You should never leave here on my front And in a hurry after heart felt of perfect worth No we were warm against this deadest pain If I tried in these fasteners? So when we got up together on our feet We knew that we could never say goodbye! Chorus: (x2) 重複合唱: 愛的瓶子,那么多理由,寶貝今晚為你我而來 抱緊我,抱緊我,今晚我們只有這一種選擇 愛的瓶子,你的擁抱的滋味,當我意識到我們可以安然度過這夜,當你在我身邊時,它對我而言一切都好了(我愛你,這首歌就在這個地方,)我要讓它,持續到美麗的下一章... 愛不只是在畫上寫的幫助學生複習詩歌並找出記憶詩歌的一些策略方法時,可以考慮這些資源嗎?


1. 課本注釋和教學參考書:這是最直接的資源。其中的注釋可能會提供詩歌中一些關鍵字的註解和解釋,這有助於學生理解詩歌的內容和含義。教學參考書可能會提供一些關於詩歌的背景信息和解讀,進一步幫助學生理解詩歌。

2. 線上詩歌學習資源:網際網路上有許多優秀的詩歌學習網站和應用程式,提供了大量的詩歌欣賞、分析和記憶策略。這些資源通常會提供詩歌的背景信息、創作背景、作者介紹等,以及一些視覺、聽覺等多媒體資料,有助於學生更好地理解和記憶詩歌。

3. 詩歌朗誦和背誦比賽:通過組織詩歌朗誦和背誦比賽,可以幫助學生更加深入地理解和記憶詩歌。這種活動不僅可以鍛鍊學生的口語表達能力,還可以讓他們更加深入地理解詩歌的內容和情感。同時,比賽的競爭性和趣味性也可以激發學生的學習熱情。

4. 小組討論和合作學習:鼓勵學生進行小組討論和合作學習,可以促進學生之間的交流和互動,同時也可以幫助他們從不同的角度理解和記憶詩歌。通過討論,學生可以分享自己的理解和觀點,也可以從其他同學的觀點中獲得啟發。

5. 記憶策略教學:教授一些記憶策略,如關鍵字法、韻律法、圖像法等,可以幫助學生更有效地記憶詩歌。這些策略可以幫助學生在短時間內記住大量的信息,同時也可以幫助他們將信息整合到自己的長期記憶中。

6. 使用記憶卡片:製作一些包含詩歌的記憶卡片,並在課堂上或課後進行複習