leona lewis歌詞

以下是Leona Lewis的幾首歌曲的詞:

* 《Bleeding Love》


I thought that I could save you

But I was wrong

I thought I could let you in

But I was wrong

Every time I think I'm over you

Gonna walk away

But my heart keeps leading the way

I'm still breathing, but it's bleeding love

I'm still breathing, but it's still you

I'm still breathing, but it's bleeding love

Every time I try to let you go

I get so down

I feel like I'm drowning, I can't breathe

I'm still breathing, but it's still you


It's like I'm bleeding from the heart, yeah

I'm still breathing, but it's still you

You could have had my heart, yeah

But now it's over, yeah yeah yeah yeah

I thought that I could be strong for you

But I was wrong again

I thought that I could let go of you, yeah

But now it's over and over and over again.

* 《I Will Be》: 歌詞如下:

Verse 1: I will be your strength when you're feeling weak 當你感到脆弱時,我會成為你的力量。 我會在你最需要的時候,給你一個擁抱。 我會在你最需要的時候,給你一個微笑。 我會在你最需要的時候,陪你一起度過難關。 副歌: 我將永遠愛你,永遠支持你。 我將永遠在你身邊,直到永遠。 無論何時何地,我都會在你身邊。 這就是我給你的承諾。 如果你需要我,我會一直在這裡。 如果你需要我,我會一直在這裡。 橋段: 我將永遠愛你,直到永遠。 我將永遠在你身邊,直到永遠。 我將永遠為你而戰,直到永遠。 無論何時何地,我都會在這裡。 我將一直陪伴著你,直到最後一步。 我將永遠在你身邊,陪你走過人生的每一步。
