listen to you歌詞

《listen to you》的英文詞曲是Mikky Ekko,中文詞曲是未知。其歌詞如下:

listen to you

listen to your stories

about a better place

they're just excuses

you've been up high

and you've been low

your world's been shaken

but you've been loyal

and your heart has been torn

you say that you're broken

and I feel it too

I'm right here with you

listen to your pain

it's a heavy weight

but I know that you can rise above it

and I'm here with you

I'll be your light in the dark

I'll be your voice when you're lost

I'll be your strength when you're weak

I'll be your everything when you're nothing

you say that there's no way

you'll make it through the night

but I'm here with you now

and I won't leave your side

listen to the music

playin' in your head

it's the melodies of life and death and everything in between

and it's beautiful and it's haunting and it's yours and it's free

you say that you're broken, yeah, I feel it too.

I'm right here with you.

I'll be your light in the dark.

I'll be your voice when you're lost.

I'll be your strength when you're weak.

I'll be your everything when you're nothing.

Yeah, I hear you, 我知道你的痛苦 疼痛是你最真的感受 我要陪你一起承受 我將成為你的光 在這黑暗中 成為你的聲音 當你在迷失中徘徊時 我將成為你的力量 當你在脆弱時 我將成為你的所有 我明白你的痛,我將與你同在 我陪你一起走過每一個夜晚 聽著吧,這是屬於你的旋律 你我共享這生命中的苦與樂 無論你身處何境,我都會陪伴著你,永不離開 你無畏前行,無所畏懼 我要陪著你,共同面對,共度餘生