lullaby of birdland歌詞

Lullaby of Birdland的歌詞如下:

Verse 1:

Soft and low, the gentle rain

Just a touch of something so serene

Birds are singing in the branches

A lullaby for all that's lovely


Lullaby of Birdland

Oh what a dreamy land

Where every moment's a fairytale

And love is all around

Verse 2:

Sunset red, the evening star

Golden glow, a magic spell to wear

Dogs are barking, children play

A lullaby for all that's new


Lullaby of Birdland

Oh what a dreamy land

Where every moment's a fairytale

And love is all around


It's a wondrous world we live in

With all its beauty and its mirth

So let us cherish every moment

And let our hearts be full of kindness


Lullaby of Birdland

Oh what a dreamy land

Where every moment's a fairytale

And love is all around us.

這是由John Denver所寫的一首歌曲,是一首美妙的催眠曲,充滿了對美好世界的嚮往和愛。