maybe love thrive歌詞

"Maybe Love Thrive"的歌詞如下:


Maybe love thrive

In the darkest night

When you feel alone

It's the dawn of something new


Maybe love thrive

In the darkest light

When you're feeling lost

It's the seed of something new


In this life

You will find what you need

You may feel like a stranger

But don't give up on your dreams


So when the clouds come down

And you feel like falling

Remember this one thing

Love might come at any time


So hold on tight

You don't know what's out there

Just follow your heartbeat

And maybe love will thrive


It might take some time

But when it comes it'll be right

You'll see the light in your life

And maybe love will thrive


So when the world is closing in on you

And you feel like giving up

Remember this one thing

Love might come at any time


So hold on tight

You don't know what's out there

Just follow your heartbeat

And maybe love will thrive


Maybe love thrive...

以上就是"Maybe Love Thrive"的歌詞。這首歌是一首鼓勵人們在困難時期保持希望和信心的歌曲。歌詞中充滿了愛和希望,鼓勵人們相信真愛會在最黑暗的時刻出現。