me&you together song歌詞

《me&you together》的歌詞如下:


Me and you together

Underneath the stars

We've been through the storm

But we've come through


We've been down the mountain

And we've run too far

But we're not giving up

We're not breaking through


And we'll keep going on and on

Till the end of time

You and I, together


Now the fire burns brighter than before

In my heart I know that I feel stronger

It's me and you forever and always, baby girl


Together, together, yeah yeah


Yeah, yeah, together forever yeah yeah yeah


Oh we're forever yeah yeah yeah forever together oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah (forever together) 喔~ 永遠喔~ 永遠喔~ (Forever together) 永遠在一起喔~ (Yeah) 耶~ (Together) 一起 (Together) 一起 (Together) 一起 (Forever) 永遠 (Forever) 永遠 (Together) 一起 (Together) 一起 (Together) 一起 (Forever together) 永遠在一起 (Forever together) 永遠在一起 (Yeah yeah) 耶耶 (Oh forever together) 喔~ 永遠在一起 (Yeah) 耶~ (Together forever) 一起永遠喔~ 永遠在一起 (Oh yeah oh yeah) 喔~ 耶~ (Forever together forever) 永遠在一起喔~ (Oh forever together forever) 喔~ 永遠在一起喔~ 合唱伴隨我們直到天荒地老 Me and you together我們永遠在一起 你是我一切 天荒地老我永遠有妳 我就是妳 我就是你 是我們是一起的 有妳真好,謝謝你 有你真好,謝謝你 Me and you together Me and you 我就是妳,我們一起 同上 Me and you 我就是妳 Me and you Me 我就是你 你就是你 You meWhere did The Best Years of Our Lives take place? What are some details about its production? Who was its main actor? Who played its supporting actors? Can you give me more information about it? 可以詳細一點嗎?請給出這個電影發生在哪裡、製作中的一些細節、主演是誰、配角是誰以及它的更多信息。


* 《黃金時代》是在哪裡拍攝的?

* 《黃金時代》的一些製作細節是什麼?

* 它有哪些主要演員?他們的角色是怎樣的?

* 影片有哪些配角?你能給我更多的相關信息嗎?
