miso soup歌詞

《miso soup》的中文詞曲是張震岳,該歌曲的英文版詞曲同樣由張震岳負責。以下是《miso soup》的英文版歌詞:

Miso soup, miso soup,

It's not just a meal, it's a way of life.

Miso soup, miso soup,

Get with the flow and it won't be so tough.

Try it again, miso soup,

Don't need to cook it fancy just go ahead and loosen up.

Feel it again, miso soup,

Squeeze your fist once more for your very first and final show.

Life's like miso soup, I love miso soup,

Make me feel alright when things don't quite go my way.

It's been a while, life is funny and real,

Try to keep my feet on solid ground while I float along with the stream.

Miso soup, miso soup,

It's not just a meal, it's a way of life.

Miso soup, miso soup,

Get with the flow and it won't be so tough.

Life's like miso soup, I love miso soup,

Get with the flow and it won't be so tough.


媽媽燉的湯 滋味長 不管生活怎樣 都值得嚮往 每天一杯湯 煩惱忘光光 簡單的料理 滋養著健康 我喜歡它的味道 不甜也不鹹 酸酸的滋味里 藏著媽媽的溫暖 這就是我的味道 淡淡的溫暖 我喜歡它的味道 我愛媽媽 我愛湯 人生就像一碗媽媽燉的湯 味道里有希望 有淚有笑有失望 有希望 所以不怕苦 不怕累 人生路漫漫 我用湯來安慰 這就是我的味道 淡淡的溫暖 我喜歡它的味道 我愛媽媽 我愛湯 所以我們要好好的珍惜它 用心熬煮 一碗熱湯 伴著家人安然入睡 人生就像一碗媽媽燉的湯 溫暖了我的心房 也滋養了我的夢想 所以我們要好好的珍惜它 用心去愛 用心去珍惜。