only god knows why歌詞

《Only God Knows Why》的詞曲創作由結束真田裕紀完成,歌詞則由玉置浩二演唱,其英文版本的歌曲是由Don Mclean所演唱。在日語原版中,歌詞大意主要表達了一個男孩為女友的前男友而傷心。玉置浩二深情款款的歌聲表達了對過去無法挽留的愛情傷痛的遺憾與惋惜,即使無人知道為何事情會如此,但他相信神會理解他的心情。



愛してたのに いつもいなくて

涙のあとに いつも君が

殘された 心の痛みを

ただ ぼやける程に 抱きしめてた

僕の痛みを 知るたびに

僕の弱さを 知るたびに

ただ 愛してくれて 君がいた

Only God Knows Why


Only God Knows Why

I kept on falling in love

But I was always alone

The tears I cried

Were always from you

And the pain you left behind

I can only hold on to the memories

Of how it all began

And how it all ended

With only God knowing why

And now I'm standing here alone

With all the memories that remain

I keep asking myself

Why did it have to end this way?

I don't know what to say

Or how to feel inside

But I know one thing for sure

Only God knows why


我一直深愛著你 但你總是不在身旁

每次流下的眼淚 都來自你殘留的心傷

我只能抱著回憶直到盡頭 你知道為什麼嗎?

我獨自站在這裡 回憶著一切的開始和結束

我不斷問自己 為什麼一切必須以這種方式結束?

我不知道該說什麼 或如何感受內心深處 但有一件事是肯定的,只有上帝知道為什麼。


Only God knows why, I keep falling in love with you, but you're always not there.

The tears I cry are always from your lingering heartache.

I can only hold on to the memories of how it all began and how it all ended, with only God knowing why.

Now I'm standing here alone, with all the memories that remain.

I keep asking myself, why did it have to end this way? I don't know what to say or how to feel inside. But one thing is for sure: Only God knows why.