orinoco flow歌詞

Orinoco Flow 的歌詞如下:

Oh, Orinoco Flow

Oh, Orinoco Flow

You were the fire in the night

The flames that lit up my darkest nights

You were the sunrise after the storm

The sun that warmed my frozen heart

Oh, Orinoco Flow

Oh, Orinoco Flow

You were the water in my drought

The rain that washed away my tears

You were the hope in my despair

The light that shone through the darkest days

Oh, Orinoco Flow

Oh, Orinoco Flow

Now I stand alone, with only you to guide me

Through the storms and clouds that always seem to follow me

But I know that I will make it through

Because I am stronger than I ever was before

Oh, Orinoco Flow.

以上是部分歌詞內容,您可以通過Orinoco Flow的官方網站或者相關音樂軟體,獲得全部歌詞內容和歌曲的其他信息。