
《Personz》的詞曲由音樂人秦博所創作,歌詞內容是:我眼中看到的不同眼神還有幾分虛偽比較誠懇我說不出用那一種眼神回覆也不曉得怎么說給你分oh 該怎么給你感覺我對你微笑低頭停留不知道是不是猜對了just for a personz(I) like your eyesMrs. Green: Oh, yes, they were here, I'm sure. I didn't look, but my husband told me that they were here.

Mr. Brown: And who might they be?

Mrs. Green: I'm not sure. But I do know that they are friends of my husband's.

Mr. Brown: Then we have to thank them for their kindness to my friend.

Mrs. Green: They have done us a great kindness, indeed. They helped him move a big bookcase and several tables.

Mr. Brown: How nice of them to do so. And it is no wonder they like him, he is such a pleasant man.

Mr. and Mrs. Green: I am sure he is, Mr. Brown. We all like him.

問題:Mrs. Green為什麼說“他們來了”?

答案:根據對話內容,可以得知Mrs. Green沒有看到他們是否真的來了,但她確定她的丈夫告訴她他們確實來了。因此,她說了“他們來了”。

這個問題並沒有特別要求推斷Mrs. Green的意圖或原因,因為她在對話中沒有給出具體的原因或動機。因此,我們可以推斷她只是簡單地告訴Mr. Brown他們確實來了,沒有其他特定的意圖或原因。