shine your orb歌詞

"Shine Your Orb" 是由 Tegan Quin 創作並演唱的一首歌曲。以下是這首歌的歌詞:

Verse 1:

You're shining your orb in the dark

Trying to guide me with your spark

But I don't know where I'm going

So I'm wandering alone in the night


Shine your orb, I need your light

To help me find my way

Shine your orb, it's the only way

To guide me through the night

Verse 2:

I'm feeling lost and alone

Trying to find my own way home

But every road leads to nowhere

And I don't know where to turn to


Shine your orb, I need your light

To help me find my way

Shine your orb, it's the only way

To guide me through the night


You keep shining your orb

And I keep walking on the road

Trying to find my place in this world

Trying to find my own light in the dark


Shine your orb, I need your light

To help me find my way

Shine your orb, it's the only way

To guide me through the night


So shine your orb, keep shining it bright

For me, for all of us tonight.

So shine your orb.

以上就是 "Shine Your Orb" 的歌詞。這首歌的歌詞表達了一種在黑暗中尋找方向和光明的情感,同時也暗示了人們需要依靠自己的內心力量去面對困難和挑戰。