


誰不是過客 留下的少少的痕跡

在這座城市裡 也許只有自己

追逐著夢想 也許有點迷茫

多少次跌倒 多少次又站起


Who's not a stranger, leaving a little trace

In this city, maybe only yourself

Chasing the dream, maybe a little lost

How many times have I fallen, and how many times have I stood up again


我想我可以的 因為我是大夢想家

雖然我走過千山萬水 但我不想停下來

無論路途多么坎坷 我都要爬上去

這就是我的決心 我就是我 無法取代


I think I can, because I'm a big dreamer

Although I have traveled across mountains and rivers, I don't want to stop

No matter how difficult the road is, I have to climb up

This is my determination, I am who I am, and cannot be replaced.