snow white歌詞authority

"Snow White" 的歌詞 authorty 的具體內容可能會根據歌手和歌曲版本的不同而有所變化。

一般情況下,"Snow White" 這首歌的歌詞如下:

Verse 1:

Looking at my life, it's a blurry mess

Stars that guide my way, now I'm feeling weak

Can't find my way, I'm lost in the dark

But I won't give up, I'll find my own authority


I'm Snow White, I'm on my own path

Gonna make it big, gonna break the mold

I'm my own hero, I'm my own queen

Gonna rule my world, with my own authority

Verse 2:

I've been knocked down, but I get back up

Gonna rise above, I won't let them crush me

I'm a force to be reckoned with

But I won't doubt myself, I'll find my own authority


I'm Snow White, I'm on my own path

Gonna make it big, gonna break the mold

I'm my own hero, I'm my own queen

Gonna rule my world, with my own authority


It may be lonely at the top, but I'll make it worth it

Gonna be the best that I can be

Take back control of my life, my destiny

Gonna live my life, with my own authority


I'm Snow White, I'm on my own path

Gonna make it big, gonna make a change

I'm my own key, to my own keys now

Gonna ignite the flame, with my own authority

總的來說,"Snow White" 這首歌表達了主人公在面對困難和挑戰時,不放棄,堅持自我,相信自己有能力戰勝一切的自信和決心。而 "authority" 一詞在歌詞中多次出現,代表了主人公的自信和主導地位。以上內容僅供參考,如需更多信息,可以請教專業人士。