still with you歌詞

《still with you》的詞曲由李佳薇完成,這首歌的中文版由李佳薇主唱,英文版則由美國歌手Jessie J完成。


1. 還是 無法 習慣 沒有你

2. 還是 總是 想起 你微笑 的樣子

3. 還是 無法 克制 想見 你

4. 還是 不停 期待 一場不期而遇

5. 雨後的天空 會放晴

6. 那愛情 的底片 還留給自己

7. 你聽我唱歌 的氣息

8. 我依然在這裏 等待 你

9. 我不怕 等下去

10. 因為 我還在 你的懷裡

英文版《still with you》詞句如下:

"I still with you, still with you"

I will wait for you in the endless sea of stars, I will keep singing, even if you don't hear me.

If I am the rain, I will keep falling for you until my body melts into the ground around you, I will keep singing, even if you don't listen to me.

"I still with you, still with you"

If you hear my voice, if you feel my heartbeat, if you see my tears, if you feel my pain, please don't be angry with me. I will keep singing, even if you don't understand me. I will keep waiting for you, even if it takes forever. I am still with you.