talking to moon中文歌詞

《Talking to Moon》的中文歌詞如下:

I was so in love

It's not that I was a girl who loved with both feet

But I didn't expect you to be so cold

It's like I was a butterfly and you were a dragonfly

We were both flying around with hope and joy

But now I'm just a memory in your past

I'm talking to the moon

Trying to understand what went wrong

I'm talking to the stars

Trying to find some comfort in the dark

I'm talking to my heart

Trying to understand what I've done wrong

And I hope that one day you'll hear me out

I don't want to cry anymore

But it feels like my heart is on fire

And I don't know how to put it out

It's like I was a bubble and you were a splash of cold water

You came in and burst my bubble of happiness

Now I'm just a sad memory of our past

I'm talking to the moon

Trying to understand what went wrong

I'm talking to the stars

Trying to find some comfort in the dark

I'm talking to my heart

Trying to understand what I've done wrong

And I hope that one day you'll hear me out and you'll understand

有時候感覺我自己是一個空瓶子 你掉下的淚水沒入我胸膛 現在我知道這是難過並深深的傷口。我知道我沒有一個東西是不重要的 因為你現在讓每樣東西看起來都不再一樣 你說出你的答案。我真的不懂怎么在一天裡會這么昏暗 你從不知道我在想什麼 你從不傾聽 這就是為什麼我現在只能對著月亮說話。我只能在黑暗中尋找安慰 我只能試圖理解我到底做錯了什麼 我希望有一天你會聽到我,你會理解。 當你感到孤獨的時候,月亮是你最好的朋友,它會陪著你。但是你不會感到安慰,直到你發現那個愛你的人。 我只是個陌生人而已 就這樣被你擱置在了最深處 我要做些什麼才能重新獲得勇氣?我需要愛 還是我只是需要再次學會怎么去笑? 所以,我要重新站起來,做我自己。即使你不在這裡,即使我已經失去了一切,我也依然要笑,我要對你說"我會好的",我要對自己說"我依然愛著"。 以上就是《Talking to Moon》的中文歌詞。