the time of your life歌詞

《The Time of Your Life》的詞曲創作於美國歌手Brad Fiedel。歌曲的主要內容關於過去和現在,歌曲唱出了無數人在一生中的精彩過程和激昂鬥志,向生命挑戰,隨風而去,再展雄風,直抒心中情懷。以下是歌曲的部分歌詞:

In the dreams that we've dreamed,

So many nights

All the beauty of life that we could not find,

The colors we knew

You and I have walked so far

We've run so fast,

Chasing a dream, the time of our lives

The memories that we've made,

Will last a lifetime through

Through the laughter and the tears

And the highs and lows

The memories that we've made,

Are forever more

You and I have lived so far

We've run so fast,

Chasing a dream, the time of our lives

And now it's just you and me

The two of us here,

Living our lives in the time of our lives

Now we're standing on the edge,

Living our dreams, we're gonna take them all

The way we've always dreamed,

The time of our lives

The time of our lives

Chasing a dream, the time of our lives.
