the wayfaring stranger中文歌詞

The Wayfarer陌生人的中文歌詞是:

《The Wayfarer》

The wayfaring stranger 漂泊的過客

Stop and rest your weary head 停下來休息吧,讓疲倦的頭腦

In this dark and stormy night 在這漆黑暴風雨的夜晚

Oh there is no place to go 喔,你已經無處可去

Though it is but briefest while 在你將要睡去的這段時間

While my soul's thoughts heal my soul 我心中那些最美的靈魂會癒合你的靈魂

The wayfaring stranger 漂泊的過客

You'll be safe here with me 你將會在我身邊安全地休息

For we are friends who've known no woe 因為我們沒有經歷過痛苦的朋友是朋友

And our hearts are filled with song 我們的心充滿了歌聲

So come my weary friend 我的疲倦的朋友,來吧

Let me take your hand 讓我牽著你的手

Till the morning light shall dawn 直到黎明的曙光升起

For now we'll rest our bones 我們要休息一下我們的骨頭了

We'll take the night, and we'll take the day 我們將把夜晚和白天都帶走

And when we wake, we'll be laughing 我們醒來時,我們會歡笑

The wayfaring stranger 漂泊的過客

You'll be safe here with me 你將會在我身邊安全地休息

So come my weary friend 所以我的疲倦的朋友,來吧

Come, let me take your hand 讓我牽著你的手

Till the morning light shall dawn 直到黎明的曙光升起

Till the morning light shall dawn 直到黎明的曙光升起