two at a time歌詞

《Two At A Time》的詞曲作者不詳,但可以提供一些相關信息。這首歌是一首流行歌曲,歌詞中提到了“two at a time”這樣的表達方式,暗示著某種特殊的關係或行為。



Two at a time?

That's a little too easy,

I'm not playing your game,

I'm not your game,

I'm not your game,

I'm just trying to find my way,

Trying to find my way home.


But I don't want to be the next one,

On your list of lovers,

You keep on skipping,

So you can keep on skipping,

You can keep on skipping,

So you can keep on moving,

But I'm not leaving this bed.


And I'm not trying to play the victim,

Trying to make you feel bad,

But I'm feeling like I'm losing,

And I don't know what to do.


I'm just trying to find my way,

Trying to find my way home.

這首歌的旋律優美,歌詞富有情感,表達了對於一段感情的執著和追求。在歌詞中,“two at a time”的表達方式也暗示了某些人在感情上的輕率態度,或者是對感情的不負責任。總的來說,這首歌是一首情感豐富、旋律優美的流行歌曲。