we are the champion歌詞

《We Are The Champions》的詞曲作者是Queen樂隊的主唱Freddie Mercury,以下是歌曲的部分歌詞:

We are the champions of the world


I've paid my dues 我已付出了代價

Time after time 一次又一次

I've done my sentence 我被判處死刑

But committed no crime 但並未犯罪

The bailiff's key i'm free again 我再次獲得自由

The sands have flowed over me 時光飛逝,如今不再是我的痛苦記憶

I'm a master of all 我是大師

I've learned to roll with the flow 我學會了隨波逐流

I've seen it all and done it too 我見識過一切,也做過一切

I'm a master of nine hundred and sixty-four 我是掌握四千個日夜的大師

We are the champions, 當你們落淚的時候 當你們用笑容代替眼淚的時候

And we've been going for a long time. 我們就已經一路高歌前行很久很久了。

But it doesn't matter, 天啊地,這一切都沒什麼關係。

In the end we know we are winners. 我們知道,最終我們會成為勝者。

So here's to the weary 萬歲,那些疲倦的人

The wretched and the poor 想你們致敬,向你們敬禮,你們是我們的英雄。

This crown you're wearing 這頂王冠,它重得幾乎讓你們喘不過氣來

Is not just any old iron 這頂王冠不是任何普通的鐵環。

It's an anvil that will wear you down 它是一塊會磨損你們的鐵砧,但也會讓你們變得更強大。

It's a weight that's designed to keep you on your feet 這是一份重擔,它會讓你們腳踏實地。

So you can take the glory, 萬歲,那些光榮的時刻。

And you can take the curse 因為你們可以承受這份詛咒。

You can take the night 你也可以把黑夜當作白天。

And turn it into day 把黑夜變成白天。

We are the champions, 我們是世界之王者。