where my heart belongs hey say jump歌詞

《Where My Heart Belongs (Hey! Say! Jump)》的詞曲是由Hey! Say! JUMP演唱的歌曲,以下是歌曲的英文詞曲:

Where my heart belongs

Hey! Say! Jump! Hey! Say! Jump!

Jumping up and up and up

We're gonna be the best

Yeah! Hey! Hey! Hey!

We're the best in the world

Jumping up and up and up

With all of our might

Yeah! Hey! Hey! Hey!

Yo Yo Yo Yo

Let's go!

Time to wake up

Get up and dance to the rhythm of the music

With a spirit of victory

We'll be the best in the world

Come on and let's go Hey! Hey! Hey!

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

Yeah! Hey! Hey! Hey!

We're gonna be the best in the world

Jumping up and up and up

With all of our might Hey! Hey! Hey!

Yo Yo Yo Yo

Jumping up and up and up

We're gonna be the best

Yeah! Hey! Hey! Hey!

Yo Yo Yo Yo

Jumping up and up and up

With all of our might

Yeah! Hey! Hey! Hey!

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah

Yo Yo Yo Yo

Yo Yo Yo Yo

Where my heart belongs

I'm gonna do my best

To make my dreams come true

I'm gonna be a star

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah

Yo Yo Yo Yo

Where my heart belongs

I'm gonna be a star

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah

Yo Yo Yo Yo 加油!加油!加油! 嗨跳吧!嗨跳吧! 你必勝! 你必勝!加油! 你很優秀 你一定會閃耀世界 成為大明星 為了自己目標拼搏下去 為之而努力不放棄 從不妥協猶豫 決心得到堅持 有毅力你必定成為最佳隊伍 和小夥伴一起練習學習是捷徑 前方會變得一片光明 無盡的可能就會是美夢成真 Jumping up and up and up...Hey Hey Hey 歌曲迴蕩旋律充滿活力和動感熱血拚搏舞台音樂團隊等你來參悟歌曲分享更多著落要經過快感交朋友更加準確突破恐懼的心與同輩中傳遞我一定能擁有這發光的舞台實現夢想靠拼搏靠團隊才能贏不放棄的鬥志勇敢邁步向前進邁向夢想的舞台不要害怕不要猶豫要堅強向前沖目標定下堅持努力不停歇前進向前進加油吧小夥伴們勇敢前進加油!加油!加油! 我們一起努力一起拼搏 我們一起加油一起飛翔 我們一定會成功實現夢想!加油!加油!加油! 我們一起努力一起拼搏 我們一起加油一起飛翔 我們一定會成功實現夢想!加油!加油!加油! 我們一起努力一起拼搏 我們一起加油一起飛翔 我們一定能夠成功實現夢想!我們一定能夠飛翔!