
林子祥在《YMCA》這首歌中扮演的是一個會唱RAP的大爺,同時歌曲中的角色是個可愛的小矮子。這是一首年輕人在公餘聯誼晚會自娛自樂的歌。這首歌唱得瀟灑又自我,樂觀且率性。這是一首把年齡差異化的表現最直接的曲子。但實際情況卻不如詞面有趣。從黃霑加入鼓樂部打擊樂器部分看來,《YMCA》除了部分主唱還有一陣兒金屬樂器、電子音效果助興之外,至少Rap的詞韻(註:英文部分為Hip Hop或稱曳步舞的音樂)、說唱曲的部分演奏伴奏部分似乎在內部人員或相對熟悉的歌迷朋友助興的氣氛中才最起作用,表演的形式不太適宜整體掌握配合整體的律動感和搖擺幅度太大的業餘人群中全部齊聲參與或同時互動。《YMCA》最可愛的是對熱情自發追求的心意。《YMCA》是在人人玩雙截棍時代脫穎而出的振奮人心歌謠。在特定環境的出現迅速催生了富有反響的音樂運動之中形成了讓港人回憶起的輕鬆時代樂,節奏不快的歌詞顯得順理成章、討人喜歡,又不需承載額外的意識表達。《YMCA》也可以視為台灣與香港合創旋律的一種風貌寫照,實際上,“西拉磨板坡”、“咻得啪哩大喇”,各民族都在自我塑造當中各自把“國際語言”當作彼此交流的工具。


Verse 1:

Yo yo yo and it's alright

Yo yo yo and it's alright

Yo Yo Yo and it's alright



Come on you guys gather round

Yo Yo Yo and it's alright

Yo Yo Yo and it's alright

Come on you guys gather round


Verse 2:

Yeah yeah yeah and it's alright

Yeah yeah yeah and it's alright

Yeah Yeah Yeah and it's alright



Come on you guys gather round

Yo Yo Yo and it's alright

Yo Yo Yo and it's alright

Come on you guys gather round


(you guys make a song)

Come on everybody sing along (doo do do do do)

Verse 3:

Now tell me what you're gonna do

Everybody gotta have fun

We got drums and guitar, some even sing or rap, it's okay (what what)

But let me tell you something you ain't heard before, c'mon


Come on you guys gather round (everybody sing along)

Yo Yo Yo and it's alright (hey hey hey)

Yo Yo Yo and it's alright (say yeah yeah yeah)

Come on you guys gather round (doo do do do do)

YMCA (dun dundun)

(YMCA) (dun dundun) (say yeah yeah yeah) (dun dundun) (say yeah yeah yeah)

(dun dundun) (dun dundun) (dun dundun) (dun dundun) YMCA! YMCA! YMCA! (come on yell with me)

Come on, let's have a good time (hey hey hey) everybody singing now, YMCA! YMCA! YMCA! YMCA! YMCA! YMCA! YMCA! (let me hear you say yeah yeah yeah)