you re my inspiration歌詞

"You're My Inspiration"的詞曲作者和演唱者不詳,以下是歌曲的英文詞曲:

You're my inspiration, you're my everything

You light up my world like a diamond in the rough

You're my sunshine in the cloudy skies

When everything's down low, you bring me back up again

You're the rhythm of my heartbeat

And the melody of all I'm dreaming of

In a world of darkness, there's a beacon bright

For whenever I feel down low, I just look in your eyes

Oh you're my inspiration, oh my everything

Through the toughest times I keep going strong

I wouldn't be who I am without you by my side

You're my sunshine, you're my guiding light

You make everything alright

We go way back, deep into forever

I've been through the lows and I've been up so high

But you've always been there, my guardian angel

And I couldn't do it without you, no, no, no, I couldn't do it

Oh you're my inspiration, oh my everything

Through the toughest times I keep going strong

I wouldn't be who I am without you by my side

You're my sunshine, you're my guiding light

You make everything alright

Through every challenge and every hurdle I jump

It wouldn't be easy without you, oh no

Cause every step of the way you pick me up

Oh yeah, that motivation to succeed, it flows through me now

Oh you're my inspiration, oh you're so amazing

The way you make me feel inside out the best me now

With you beside me through the best and the worst of it all

Cause that means the world to me to know that I got you

You're my inspiration, oh my everything

Through the toughest times I keep going strong

I wouldn't be who I am without you by my side

You're my sunshine, you make everything alright

You make everything alright...

以上就是"You're My Inspiration"的詞曲和中文大意,希望對你有所幫助。