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Jeannie Ortega

Jeannie Ortega的個人資料

Jeannie Ortega詳細資訊(以下內容包含:Jeannie Ortega演藝經歷 主要作品 人物評價 歌曲列表 MV列表 專輯唱片列表等個人資料介紹)
Jeannie Ortega生日:


出生地:美國身份:女歌手中文名:吉妮·奧蒂嘉出生日期:1986年11月19日星座:天蠍座歌曲:《布魯克林萬歲No Place Like Brooklyn》,De La Soul、Shakira、Kelis名製作Kovas擔綱製作大梁首支單曲〈Crowded〉力邀混音DJ饒舌高手Papoose助陣


成長經歷18歲美國寶貝Jeannie Ortega!布魯克林,十年前,一個8歲的波多黎各女孩決心去實現自己的夢想。她創作了一首名叫“shine like me”的歌,開始了她面向歌唱事業發展的第一步。Jeannie Ortega在到達最終目的地前不得不經歷嚴峻的考驗。“在我年少時期有過太多的困境,甚至在我還是小孩子時都沒有;連公園都沒有去過,那簡直太難以接受了,雖然我只是個小女孩,但感覺就像肩負了太多的重擔一樣“Jeannie說。Jeannie在紐約布魯克林的Bushwick區長大,她的教育情況跟同齡的孩子相比懸殊。“我親眼看見我的朋友們被開槍的巡警追趕,這些事都在影響著我,你知道我不得不在這個年齡去面對這些麻煩”她坦白道。當她無路可走時,Jeannie在音樂里找到了慰藉,我只是聽歌,它改變了我的世界,是音樂讓我發狂從而進入了一個新的領域。Jeannie解釋說。音樂為Jeannie敞開了一個完全嶄新的世界,一個喜歡唱著Hip-Hop和RB曲風的女孩也會讓她變的更加時尚魅力。無論何時她都想從那個另人不愉快的環境逃脫,她聆聽其他歌星的歌曲都會從中體會到一些東西“一天我在聽Mariah Carey的歌曲那經歷真的改變了我很多。她的語言和情感真的像是在對我訴說,我真的希望我也可以用我真誠的音樂去影響一些人的生活”Jeannie說道。表演天分作為布魯克林藝術高中第一畢業班級的學生,Jeannie在表演上施展了天分。連續幾年的節目排練都是她一手包辦,當演唱者,歌曲作者,舞者以及很多很多。在她少年時期,她在地方公園裡和一個由孩子們組成的名叫Sugar Spice的演唱團體在幼稚園班級前表演了節目。從那以後她的學齡生涯中大多時間都放在了各處巡演。當她的聲音開始在周圍鄰近的地方受歡迎時,人們開始對她真正地關注起來,Jeannie開始決定全速前進去實現她的夢想。“我已經準備好跨出第一步了”她說這次機會將不會錯過。18歲的Jeannie有太多東西需要感謝了,在她第一次結束了電影《Love Don’t Cost A Thing》里“Got What It Takes”的錄音後,Jeannie與Hollywood Records簽了約,現在已準備發行她第一張唱片了,唱片標題就是《No Place Like Brooklyn》。創作歌手Jeannie迫不及待要施展她的才華了,《No Place Like Brooklyn》這張專輯裡12首歌中有11首都是Jeannie親自創作的,“我只是寫出了我的感受”很多人都可以講述自己的故事,不僅僅是和我同齡的人。我認為我們都有過類似的情況。我們的感覺就像是根本不知道我們是誰。我們戀愛,我們失戀,每個人都有過愛情”Jeannie說道,一個不屑自己天真年齡的她將有一筆生命財富去分享。



no place like bklyn2006-08-23
唱片公司:Hollywood Records


Crowded -- Jeannie OrtegaJeannie Ortega, PapooseImma show you how its supposed to be done, uhDont get me started, its getting kinda crowded in hereBack up off me, Im feeling like Im suffocatingNow heres my problem, Im not gonna be your chick on the sideForget about it, you know damn well it wouldnt be rightI dont know what you been thinking bout meDid you think this was gonna be that easy?Hell no you must be going crazyWhy dont you get out of my life, get out of my sightGet off of my back.Why dont you get back to your world, Go back to your girlI think you owe her.I know whats going onI wont be second to noneBack up cause youre crowding my spaceYou need to get out of my faceLets be honest Im not the type of chick you can useAnd if you want it, if you want it youll have to chooseOh Ive been through this, been cheated on I know how it feelsWhat I know that, you wouldnt do the same to me.I dont know what you been thinking bout meDid you think this was gonna be that easy?Hell no you must be going crazyWhy dont you get out of my life, get out of my sightGet off of my back.Why dont you get back to your world, Go back to your girlI think you owe her.I know whats going onI wont be second to noneBack up cause youre crowding my spaceYou need to get out of my faceBk, Bk UhThey say you cant have your cake and eat it tooTell me whats the meaning?Whats the sense of me having cake if I cant eat it?She does never win my friendYou like creeping but hate when your girl start cheatingImagine if you came home to your wifeOpens your door and locked it then you found R. Kelly hiding in your closetI knew you would start cheating before you even stopped itUnlike when you double your money Im a profitAlbert Einstein was smart but Im so wiserIm a ladies man, your man is a womanizerYou gotta fight for love, can you make a fistSince your name is Jeannie, can I make a wish?Dont mind your setbacks, every move majorGrowing for me hey just do me one favorHe put you on the side lemme be your saviorCrowded, Papoose, Jeannie OrtegaWhy dont you get out of my life, get out of my sightGet off of my back.Why dont you get back to your world, Go back to your girlI think you owe her.I know whats going onI wont be second to noneBack up cause youre crowding my spaceYou need to get out of my faceGet out of my life, get out of my sight, get off of my backCause youre crowding my spaceYou need to get out of my face.


2006 - Step Up .... Girl Singer #3 2011 - Indelible .... TBA

Jeannie Ortega歷年演唱過的歌曲

  • 2008-08-06歌曲:Crowded 隨著音樂搖擺 candy建議戴耳機聽