Duncan Sheik

Duncan Sheik的個人資料

Duncan Sheik詳細資訊(以下內容包含:Duncan Sheik演藝經歷 主要作品 人物評價 歌曲列表 MV列表 專輯唱片列表等個人資料介紹)
Duncan Sheik生日:1900-01-01


獨立型民謠歌手Duncan Sheik 自1996年發表了他第一張同名專輯後,逐漸轉向電影原聲的歌手使他小有名氣。現年33歲的他來自美國北卡羅來納州,早年長期和祖父母住在新澤西,並在當地學習鋼琴。在他的學校期間轉向電吉他組樂隊,自此開始了民謠寫作。畢業後發表了第一張母帶,從此涉足民謠運動,參加各種大型公開活動獻唱。2001年發表的《Phantom Moon》中他與戲劇家兼詩人Steve Sater合作,展示了他管弦樂的才華。2003年初他和Sater更合作了他們的音樂劇《復甦的夏天》,2006年兩人合作完成百老匯最佳音樂劇《春之覺醒Spring Awakening》,並獲得最佳音樂劇、原創音樂等獎項。 Duncan Sheik早已從民謠詩人轉變成電影幕後獻唱者,在《the Saints》 (神鬼至尊)、《ER》(急診室的春天)、《Great Expectations》(烈愛風雲)等的獻聲,讓人隨著電影的泛黃而漸漸遺忘。Duncan Sheik became a household name with his very first single, the smash hit Barely Breathing from his Grammy?-nominated gold-selling debut album. But his mainstream success may belie the depth of his work; he has scored for film and the stage, produced ambitious records for other artists, and captured audiences around the world with his remarkable voice and songcraft. 'White Limousine' is Sheik's most realized work yet - a set of catchy, thoughtful compositions that are pro-love and anti-war, both perfectly simple and breathtakingly vast. Included in the 'White Limousine' package are two discs, labeled MINE and YOURS. MINE is Duncan's version of these songs; YOURS is a DVD-ROM enabling listeners to create their own versions. Using the software provided, the listener can isolate and remix 'White Limousine''s many sonic layers. This may be the first time a recording artist has released the entire contents of his or her album, instrument by instrument, giving listeners the ability to re-imagine the songs as they see fit.


第一張:《Duncan Sheik》發行廠牌:Atlantic發行時間:1996年06月04日專輯曲目:01. She Runs Away 02. In the Absence of Sun 03. Barely Breathing 04. Reasons For Living 05. Days Go By 06. Serena 07. Out of Order 08. November 09. Home 10. The End of Outside11. Little Hands 第二張:《Humming》發行廠牌:Atlantic發行時間:1998年10月06日專輯曲目:01. In Between 02. Rubbed Out 03. Bite Your Tongue 04. Alibi 05. Varying Degrees of con-Artistry 06. That Says It All 07. Everyone, Everywhere 08. A Body Goes Down09. Nothing Special 10. House Full of Riches 11. Nichiren 第三張:《Phantom Moon》發行廠牌:Nonesuch發行時間:2001年02月27日專輯曲目:01. The Wilderness (Prelude) 02. Longing Town 03. Mr. Chess 04. The Winds That Blow05. Mouth on Fire 06. Sad Stephen's Song 07. Time and Good Fortune 08. Far Way 09. This Is How My Heart Heard 10. A Mirror in the Heart11. Lo and Behold 12. Requiescat 13. The Wilderness第四張:《Daylight》發行廠牌:Atlantic發行時間:2002年08月27日專輯曲目:01. Genius 02. Half-Life 03. Start Again 04. On Her Mind 05. Such Reveries 06. On a High 07. Magazines 08. For You 09. Good Morning! 10. Memento 11. Shine Inside

Duncan Sheik歷年演唱過的歌曲

  • 2009-03-06歌曲:And Now We Sing

Duncan Sheik歷年專輯

  • 2009年推出專輯:《Whisper House》
  • 2006年推出專輯:《White Limousine》
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